The way we carry out our daily business
defines who we are

We believe discipline brings about quality of work. The ground rules and parameters that we set for ourself guide us to this day. It defines who we are and how we do things.



People, be it collaborators, team members or clients, are our greatest strength. We chose our team members with care. They adhere to the JVN way and become the face of the organisation in front of the clients.

Our collaborators from Architects, Structural Engineers, Material Experts etc, are key to the way we function and the quality we provide. We go an extra length to find the right collaborators. Once on-board, they stay our friends for life.

Our clients have been pillars of our growth. The relationship shared with clients is one of mutual respect, growth and satisfaction. Our long standing relationship with clients are testimony of our quality of service.


As an organisation, our process is sacrosanct. Our efficiency and quality depends largely on our processes.
Over the years, we have perfected our processes.
If there is something that we don’t know, we teach ourselves and we excel at it.

Each team member of JVN is a trained to follow the process and to contribute to its perfection.

We believe, everything has to evolve with changing times and demands. At JVN, we update ourselves with new technologies so as to enhance our market offering.


JVN is a young enterprise and we have great visions and expectations for ourself. Our growth in the market and the respect we enjoy today are a function of the value that we have provided our customers till date. We strive for the highest attainable quality. It is customer value and not statutory regulations that drive our selection of material and execution.

We don't believe in taking up more projects than we can effectively execute at a point in time. We keep our resources focused on the impeccable completion of a project and then move onto the next.

We are an ISO certified firm. And more than that, we are proud of the fact that we have a happy and content clientele.


The diversity of the projects that are offered to us, keep our lives interesting. We have gone through great lengths to educate ourselves on newer techniques that each project demands

Cross-disciplinary learning has been one of the greatest outcomes of the diverse projects we have completed. Today, we have the knowledge base to take on and execute projects of any size and specification.

At JVN, there is no project that is too big or too small. Every project is a challenge that we look forward to.