Eyes to the sky.
Feet grounded firm.

We are JVN Homes and we’d like you, to know us better

JVN is a business venture incorporated in the year 2006 with development and construction being the prime focus. Over the years, we have developed several gated communities, churches and have undertaken turnkey construction projects both big and small. In its core, JVN Properties upholds the values of the Nedmchalil family and all the rules of business conduct laid by the ancestors. We operate under the principle that no project is too big and no project is too small. And the same goes with the challenges that we encounter. If there is a process we don’t know, we learn it and perfect it.
At the end of day, we like to sit back and be proud of our work.

Ongoing Projects

Completed projects

If you’ve got a project for us, please write to info@jvnproperties.com
or call +91 9388175544, 9745888809